Prof. Shuai Shao

Mechanical Engineering

Auburn University (AU)


Dr. Shuai Shao is currently an associate professor of Mechanical Engineering at Auburn University (AU).  Before joining AU, he was an assistant professor at Louisiana State University (LSU) from 2017 to 2019.  He has published over 60 peer reviewed journal articles and book chapters and has given 20+ invited/regular presentations. His expertise is in multiscale materials modeling, materials characterization, and fatigue, as applied to additively manufactured materials. Dr. Shao has served/is serving as PI/Co-PI of many projects funded by both federal (including DOE, NASA, and DOD) and state (Louisiana) agencies.  Due to his scholarly reputations, Dr. Shao has been serving as referee for prestigious journals in the field, including (but not limited to) Acta Materialia, Additive Manufacturing, International Journal of Fatigue, and Nature Communications.  Dr. Shao has also been active in organizing both additive manufacturing and materials science related symposia in prestigious international conferences/meetings, including the ASTM ICAM, the MS&T conference, International Conference on Plasticity.  According to Google Scholar®, Dr. Shao’s publications have well over 1700 citations and an h-index of 26.  He has received the “2020 ASTM Additive Manufacturing Young Professional Award”, “2019 LSU Mechanical Engineering Outstanding Teacher Award”, “2019 LSU Alumni Association Rising Faculty Research Award”, “2018 LSU Summer Research Stipend”, the “2015 TMS Hysitron Presentation Silver Medal Award”, the “2011 Student Fellowship for NSF CMMI Grantee’s Conference” and the “2010 Travel Grant of WSU”.  His article “Relaxation, Structure and Properties of Semi-coherent Interfaces” made the cover of the Jan 2016 issue of JOM.